How Companies Improve Business Communication with Customers After COVID-19?

2020-06-15 3220

Given that the world is going globalize in all aspects, there is no doubt that no business will be immune to the shock of COVID-19. It’s good to look ahead especially for business owners when more and more countries are going to or planning to reopen their economy now. Here’s the discussion of transformations that may inspire companies to take to communicate with customers in the post-COVID world.

1. Pay more attention to brand digital delivery
Data[1] has shown that internet hits have surged by over 50% during the pandemic outbreak as over one-quarter of the world’s population has been locked down. Of course, the time people spend on online surfing will ease back after economic recovery, but it reminds us of the importance of brand digitization especially for the non-E-commerce business because you have no idea when the next “COVID-19” crisis will come. Reorganize and optimize the content through the online channels to keep your customers with you whenever, for example, through your website, your social media platforms and your email. Always pay more attention to the direct or indirect online communication with customers because it costs much less, covers more and is flexible beyond the geographical barriers.

2. Exploit new ways to present your business
As the quarantine policy keep people’s feet at home, it’s a good idea to rethink your business presentation. Even for the same old stuff, you can present in a brand-new way. For example, you can digitalize your factory tour and embed the VR visit on your website so that your customers can have panoramic one-the-site viewing experience whenever and wherever. Online exhibitions and webinars are becoming the choice of more and more companies to make up for the deficiency of unavailable physical attendance under the background of global pandemic outbreak. You can even live stream to interact with audience and sell your goods directly as customers accessing the Internet becomes much easier than ever before.
InfoComm, the largest professional audiovisual trade show in North America, is going virtual for the first time on June 16-18 in 2020.

3. Intelligentize your customer service system
You may have the experience that you call or online chat with the customer service but get late or no replies. When customer service team members are working at home, it increases the difficulty for them to respond to customers online or offline quickly. Hence, intelligentize your customer service system is a good choice. Automate the reply of your customer service, or even apply big data and AI technologies to learn how to further understand the needs of your clients, decreasing the cost of manual customer support and improving efficiency.   

4. Have more efficient video conference
In 2020 more and more office staff are forced or recommended to work at home. The transformation of workplace is asking higher requirement for more efficient online communication. You are sending more and more emails. You are joining more and more Zoom meetings. You need to catch up with more meeting-friendly tools to improve the video conference experience with your clients. For instance, LianTronics METAGO, an all-in-one LED display terminal for larger seamless presentation which can support video conference without buffering. Press and go, you can start remote communication and share your content with your clients from anywhere in a short time.

30 seconds to know about LianTronics METAGO - an effective conference facility

COVID-19 has released a signal for us to digitally transform our communication with our colleagues and our customers. Of course with the technology development, more and more advanced communication and collaboration solutions will come out to reshape the communication experience. However, no matter in the past, at present or in the future, efficiency prioritizes in business communication.

[1] Beech, M. (2020). COVID-19 Pushes Up Internet Use 70% And Streaming More Than 12%, First Figures Reveal. [Online] Available at

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