LianTronics Creative LED Walls Decorate the New Showroom of Chinese Luxury Car Marque

2020-08-06 3000

Hongqi, the iconic car brand under China's leading automaker FAW Group, opened its new brand pavilion officially on 28th July, 2020. Together LianTronics creative LED walls made debut in this newly built showroom, helping the oldest Chinese passenger car marque to showcase its cutting-edge technologies and pioneering products.

Hongqi Innovation Tower, the semi-circular mansion located at Changchun International Auto City, is an intelligent digital pavilion in full-scenario applications to exhibit the new brand image of Hongqi. In order to highlight the cultural charm of this auto brand, LianTroncis project team has conducted several on-site studies to customize a complete dedicated display solution. Under the supplement of LianTronics ingenious creative LED walls, the Hongqi pavilion is of remarkable brand attraction and has become a new cultural landmark of China's automobile industry.

Hongqi Innovation Tower

Giant Movable LED Door, Unique Brand Promotion Wall
When you enter the Tower, a giant LED moving door comes into your eyes. This movable door was made of LianTronics fine-pitch LED displays and shaped like an IMAX movie wall. In combination with Hongqi promotional video in a high sense of technology, it creates a mysterious and futuristic spatial pattern for the visitors on site, which deeply integrates and transmits the revival spirit of this traditional national auto marque under the new era.

FAW Digital Cloud Platform, Auto Industry Trend Catcher

Under the wave of new infrastructure construction, the automobile industry has also evolved from physical and mechanical management terminals into digital and intelligent mobile ones. Thus, FAW Group has followed the trend to implement a digital cloud platform for its automotive business. In the application of the latest technologies including big data, cloud computing, 5G, and IoT, LianTronics high-resolution display platform is able to present FAW’s international business information at a glance sharply and precisely, showing a grand global business map to impress viewers and providing essential and responsive messages for decision-makers.

Innovative Brand Showroom, Extraordinary Immersive Experience
In order to provide the guests with an astonishing viewing experience, LianTronics has adopted multiple sets of NPP LED screens in irregular shapes to embrace the exhibition hall. With spatial dislocation visualization and cinematic broadcasting content to generate an immersive layout, the showroom has delivered a sense of ultra-futuristic technology to stun every visitor. The exhibited new model of Hongqi vehicle in the hall center is like a piece of artwork under the background of LianTronics splendid LED screens. Especially with the central floor-to-ceiling LED wall standing behind to set off the cutting-edge product image of Hongqi, the entire showroom has provided an unparalleled visual impact and enjoyment to audiences.

Nowadays brand digitization is becoming a trend for various kinds of businesses including the auto industry. After the cooperation of NIO, this is another successful attempt for LianTronics to decorate modern shows for car brands. LianTronics has taken actions to prove its competence for creative digital brand promotion, and is committed to providing more advanced visualization solutions for more brands going globally.

For more information, please feel free to contact us.
